I use a tablet to read several pdfs. Because of additional margins , the actual text on each page gets rather small. I would like to remove all whitespace before any actual content. This can mean that I will have unequal page sizes, which I am fine with.

Most tools allow you to crop based on a rectangle. I want something that can go page wise and remove white spaces around content as needed (thus, if there is just a little bit of content at the centre, it will be much bigger.

Is there any tool like that ?

1 Answer 1


pdfcrop should be able to do what you want. According to the man page:

pdfcrop is a utility to calculate and remove empty margins from each page in the input PDF file. The resulting output file occupies the minimal paper size needed for the contents and is therefore suitable for inclusion as a graphic

  • I found this solution minutes before you posted. Commented Mar 19, 2017 at 3:54
  • Where can I find this tool? I'm looking at pdfcrop.sourceforge.net, but it appears to be a different product: "calculates the page metrics and scale factor of a PDF file, then crops and scales the PDF, so that it neatly fits on a standard size sheet of paper" Commented May 23 at 18:31
  • 1
    @lmat-ReinstateMonica pdfcrop is provided by the texlive-extra-utils package (at least in Ubuntu 18.04). Install: sudo apt-get install texlive-extra-utils, then pdfcrop --help
    – NZD
    Commented May 25 at 2:25

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