I booted up my computer and i when into recovery mode on further inspection running

chkdsk C: /f

gave the following error

Corrupt master file table

and was unable to recover or even write to the event log

I next tried to refresh (or reinstall if need be) windows and the utility said the drive was locked. to solve this i tried this command

bootrec /RebuildBcd

however this gave the following output

Total identified Windows installations: 0

how can i fix my corrupted hard drive

1 Answer 1


I searched around for this before due to an issue at work and I found the link that helped fix this issue for me. You may have to use a couple more commands before using bootrec /RebuildBcd to fix the Windows is locked issue. Also, because you have a corrupt master file error this may not work since sometimes that can represent a physical problem with the drive but it's worth a try because like I said, I had the same issue before which was on my colleagues computer at work when we applied updates for some third-party applications we use (very odd).

Quick Side Note: You can check the integrity of your Hard Drive using chkdisk C: /f /x /r (Probably would be useful to add the extra info you receive on the output just incase my answer doesn't work for you or I could maybe improve it better with more information)

Enter these commands in order:

1) - bootrec /FixMbr

2) - bootrec /FixBoot

3) - bootrec /Scan0s

4) - bootrec /RebuildBcd

Source for these steps which also includes various other methods.

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