In previous versions of TV there was an ability to operate contact list with keyboard. But in new version (12) I can't move focus to contact list, because button with my account (in bottom-right corner of TV window) absent in tab-transition list, and even if additional window with contact list is shown, I can't move focus to it, because this window absent in system window list.
And new TV interface brings no solution too, it makes situation worse: I can't even access menu or any other element on the left pane, because they are absent in tab-transition list.

Is there special keystrokes or tricks (no mouse or mouse emulation!) for moving focus to these elements, or for enabling them?

1 Answer 1


Yeah! Just found the answer! But for the old interface only on the moment, so, if anybody suggests the solution for the new interface — it will be very good.

For accessing contacts it needs to move focus to button with account name and activate it (by Space Bar or Enter). For this operation that button must be in a tab-transition list. On the first tab, Remote Control, the button absent in that list, but for the second tab, Meeting, the button present in tab-transition list. So, we need Meeting tab to be active. If not, than we should make a trick: use F10 for moving focus to menu, then use Esc for cancelling drop-down menu, then move focus to list of the tabs (Remote Control and Meeting) by single Tab, then use Right to switch to the Meeting tab. After it, we may just move focus two position backwards by using Shift+Tab twice for selecting the button.

So, conclusion: sequence below works in any situation.
activate TV window (if not already), F10, Esc, Tab, Right, Shift+Tab twice, Space bar or Enter (if contacts' window was already opened, then repeat last key)

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