I have tablet with windows 8.1, and I set it to never sleep, but sometimes when I lock it, it will sleep after about 2 hours... How to let it not sleep?

1 Answer 1


Disable sleep in:

Control Panel > System > Power Options > Change Plan > Put Computer to Sleep

set to Never, for more info see this page.

If above not worked, try solution from this post, it says:

at first you must set value of Attributes = dword: 00000002 in


and then in Power Options > Advanced Power Settings in the Display item appears Console lock display off timeout in which we set the necessary time.

  • Thank you, it worked sometime but then reversed to default automatically. Now I just fully disabled lock screen app by gpedit, and the problem is solved.
    – Sam
    Commented Jan 13, 2017 at 9:03
  • @Sam Glad it helped. (upvote if you think answer was useful)
    – BladeMight
    Commented Jan 13, 2017 at 12:14

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