Created a clean installation via latest MCT today and discovered a defaultuser0 in the list of folders under C:\Users\

Does anybody know if it's safe to delete it?

Folder-view of C:\Users

5 Answers 5


Adding to @DavidPostill's answer:

Since, as noted in the comments, defaultuser0 does not show up in any graphical interfaces accessible through either the settings app or the control panel, here is how to get rid of it cleanly:

  1. Run the Windows command prompt as Administrator

    • Option A: Rightclick on the cmd shortcut in the start menu and select "run as administrator"

    • Option B: Hold CRTL+SHIFT and click on any cmd shortcut or the executable itself

    • Option C: Open the task manager, selet file -> new task, enter "cmd" and select the run as administrator checkmark

  2. Enter net user defaultuser0 /DELETE

  • Option A's menu is also accessible via hotkey Win+X, which I use quite frequently due to a good number of other useful items in there.
    – D-side
    Commented Nov 27, 2017 at 23:33
  • The name of the default user was slightly different for me. In this case, I've just run net user to show a list of all users. From there it's possible to choose the exact name.
    – Andrea
    Commented Apr 29, 2023 at 14:00

What is defaultuser0?

After upgrading to the Anniversary Update, many users have noticed that apart from their regular user accounts, the OS also creates a new Defaultuser0 account. The most interesting part is that this unusual profile cannot be deleted even after performing a clean install.

The Defaultuser0 account bug has been haunting Windows users for a long time. Nobody knows exactly why this account is being created or how users can prevent its creation. The commonly accepted hypothesis suggests the Defaultuser0 profile is created when something goes wrong during the profile creation phase of the main account, and it should be harmless.

Source Windows 10 Anniversary Update is creating “defaultuser0” profiles

Is it safe to delete it?

Yes. Use one of the following methods.

How to get rid of the Defaultuser0 profile

Solution 1 – simply delete the Defaultusers0 account

Go to Control Panel > User accounts > Delete the profile

Solution 2 – Enable the hidden admin account

  • Start your computer using your Windows 10 DVD or USB
  • Select the correct time and keyboard type
  • Click on Repair your computer
  • Select Choose an option > Troubleshoot
  • Click on Command Prompt > type the command net user administrator /active:yes
  • Restart your computer > delete the Defaultuser0 account.

Source Windows 10 Anniversary Update is creating “defaultuser0” profiles

  • 2
    For the first solution suggested, I do not find any other user except mine (Local Administrator account). For the second, I do not have the cd or usb. I must ask my IT department for this; too much trouble... Commented Jul 17, 2017 at 7:53
  • @YannisDran "too much trouble... " Shrug. I don't think this odd account is harmful...
    – DavidPostill
    Commented Jul 17, 2017 at 7:59
  • you didn't get me. In control panel, I couldn't see a defaultuser0 but only in Users Folder. Finally I deleted it from Windows settings for users (don't remember where exactly) and then I deleted the folder completely. Everything's fine. Thanks Commented Jul 18, 2017 at 11:27

Seems like this potentially was hooked by NT Authority\System or NT Service\TrustedInstaller:

  1. Start a console as Administrator or a member of Administrators-group.
  2. Type in psexec -s -i cmd.exe followed by ENTER.
  3. Type in lusrmgr.msc followed by ENTER.
  4. Remove defaultuser0 in Local Users and Groups /Users.

Of course this means loading the PsTools beforehand and placing them into %systemroot%\System32.

  • This is definitely good information! However, your question specifically says "discovered a defaultuser0 in the list of folders under C:\Users\" and then asked "Does anybody know if it's safe to delete it?" That clearly emphasizes the folder itself, rather than the user account. Frankly, there isn't a compelling reason to delete that account and under certain circumstances, it may actually cause problems.
    – Run5k
    Commented Jul 2, 2018 at 17:30

I had this issue with 2 folders showing in my C:/users/ directory. They were defaultuser0 and defaultuser100000. I removed both of them and have not had an issue. The user accounts did not show up in my system so I assumed they were just leftovers from some installation process that weren't cleaned up.


You shouldn't worry, defaultuser0 is a normal account created during Windows installation. When your computer goes to setup, you will be automatically logged in to defaultuser0, and will be greeted with the setup screen. After you set up your computer, the account and the user directory will automatically be deleted. Sometimes, the directory or the account doesn't get deleted, so here is how you can manually delete the account yourself.

Open command prompt as an admin and type:

net user

If defaultuser0 shows up in the user list, then type:

net user /delete defaultuser0

Next, open file explorer and go to C:\Users, then if the defaultuser0 directory is present, delete it.

Lastly, open the registry by pressing Win + R and typing:


Then, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList and go into each key and check the ProfileImagePath entry of each key to see if one of them says C:\Users\defaultuser0. If you find the defaultuser0 remnant, delete the key.

You also don't have to delete it, it's safe for it to stay on your computer.

Hope that helped!

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