I would like to reset the preferences to default values in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC on Mac. I found the following discussions on Adobe forum but none of them was helpful:

  1. how do I reset Adobe Acrobat to the default settings?

    • Adobe staff answered it and pointed to discussion 2 and 3; none of them worked.
  2. How do I reset Adobe to its original settings?

    • I tried to reinstall Reader DC per the answer's instruction but old preferences persisted after reinstallation.
  3. How to reset Preference settings in Acrobat.

    • The instructions were for Acrobat, not Acrobat Reader. I looked through my Library folder and found none of the folders/files mentioned.

Please help. Thank you.

1 Answer 1


close acrobat reader and delete ~/Library/Preferences/com.adobe.Reader.plist
then open it again, it should generate a new file (with fresh settings).

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