I have a graph that I want to combine events that happen on a weekly, monthly, quartly, and yearly basis.

For this there will be more data points for each smaller time grouping, i.e. 4 weekly points per month, 4 monthly points per quarter, etc. However each event is not related and is not stacking. For example Event A happens X times per week; Event B happens Y times per month, etc.

To show you how I currently have data input and the chart output: data input chart output

So as you can see in the chart output the lines are not scaling with the dates, but rather their static points.

Here is what I want it to look like (substititute the purple line for the yellow). wanted output

Is there a way to get my wanted output with the current input organization?

1 Answer 1


Change your chart type from Line (which uses categorical values for the horizontal axis) to XY/Scatter (which uses numeric values for the horizontal axis).

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