I had a Windows 2012 server and I no longer have access to that server. I have a new Windows 2012 server which I am using IIS to host my websites. Previously I purchased an SSL certificate for the site and completed the usual process in IIS to create a CSR then get it added on.

Now that I have a new server I have manually added the site back and now I am interested in setting the SSL for the site again. I have the old CSR and certificate files, how would I add the SSL for the site again?

  • The private key will/should have stayed on the original server, unless you backed it up. If that's the case, the certificate and the CSR are useless to you. You'll need a new certificate. Commented Oct 24, 2016 at 19:46
  • does this mean i have to buy a new certificate?
    – dsfsdfsdf
    Commented Oct 24, 2016 at 19:56
  • If you didn't take a backup and you can't get access to the original server, then you'll need to purchase a replacement. Commented Oct 24, 2016 at 21:02


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