I have a DD-WRT router that needs a static route pointing the remote adress to the local VPN adress, like this:

route add 192.168.1.x (remote private adress) mask gw (VPN server adress). (My own private adress being 192.168.2.x).

The VPN peers are hosted on Ubuntu 12.04 boxes behind the DD-WRT routers. I can ping both VPN and private adresses of the servers themselves, but not the subnets behind them. That route works perfectly when applied locally on Windows, but when I try to put the same route on the DD-WRT router (which is the Windows machines gateway), it doensn't create the route on it's routing table.

Anyone have an idea why?

  • Where is the VPN connection? On the router on the Windows box or on another device?
    – heavyd
    Commented Oct 17, 2016 at 19:54
  • Is locally connected to the router? If not, how would it get the packets there? Also, did you mean 192.168.x.0? Commented Oct 17, 2016 at 20:01
  • Hello and thanks for your answers! The VPN is on the server machines, both peers are Ubuntu 12.04 boxes. Those server are both behind the DD-WRT NAT gateways, so yes, it is locally connected to the router. Yes I meant 192.168.x.0. Will improve my question.
    – resch
    Commented Oct 18, 2016 at 10:11
  • If the VPN connection only exists between those servers the routers won't know anything about the VPN. Did you configure those servers to be able to route the traffic?
    – Seth
    Commented Oct 18, 2016 at 10:56
  • Thans for your answer Seth. Yes, they're configured to route the traffic, ip forwarding enabled and everything. As I said, what I want to do works when I do the route on Windows with command prompt, it's just that DD-WRT refuses to fix the same route on it's routing table. Already rebooted the routers, no luck.
    – resch
    Commented Oct 18, 2016 at 15:31

1 Answer 1


Coundn't find a solution so I just gave up. Solved my problem with a scheduled task that executes a batch file with the "route add" command on the Windows machines.

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