I just got a Pegasus Promise2 M4 RAID back from repair. There was a problem with the power supply. Just before I connected the Thunderbolt cable, I noticed lots of sparks between the ground of the cable and the case. See the following video how it looks like:

sparks between cable shield and case

  • The Thunderbolt cable is already connected to the computer (not to the device shown in the video/photo).
  • The cable works fine with any other device.
  • The Pegasus Promise2 M4 shown in the video/photo has just a two wire power connector without grounding. The computer is grounded.
  • I never had this effect with any other Thunderbolt device with the same computer.

I this a normal effect or could this be an issue with the power supply?

  • 1
    This is not normal at all. I do not fully understand the conditions in which this happens, you say the cable is already connected but I see you are connecting it in the video. Can you provide a block schematic including all the connections, with explaination? Commented Sep 30, 2016 at 11:41
  • And to close votes, this is about safety and not about repair or use. We have more than 350 questions tagged safety. Please use your powers wisely. Commented Sep 30, 2016 at 11:42
  • For a power supply that is not grounded this can be normal behavior. But if it did not show this before the repair of the supply then it can be that they replaced the RF suppression capacitor with a the wrong (too high) value. If you want to prevent this, always use supplies with ground and make sure it connects to a grounded mains socket. These are not very large sparks so I would not call this dangerous. Worst case your fingers might get a "tingle". And if this is a question about safety, then why is it not tagged with "safety" ? Commented Sep 30, 2016 at 11:51
  • Sparks? They don't call it Thunderbolt for nothing. [Sorry, I couldn't resist.] Commented Sep 30, 2016 at 16:15


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