I have a Ghost Blog setup at blog-myaccount.rhcloud.com

How do I make it available at mydomain.com

CNAME cannot use mydomain.com and Redhat doesn't provide Nameservers or IP address.

1 Answer 1


I know there should be a better solution, but if CNAME doesn't work, you can use an IP record instead. Having a publicly available website means there's a public IP bound to your website.

In any command prompt (any OS), run nslookup blog-myaccount.rhcloud.com and then add a A or AAAA record to your domain's DNS using the provided IP.

The other option would be an NAPTR record, such as:

mydomain.com. IN NAPTR 100 10 "U" "http" "!^mydomain.com/?(.*)$!blog-myaccount.rhcloud.com/\1!"

Don't use this example as-is, I'm not sure about it.

  • I did nslookup online , it says the name is alias of another .rhcloud.com , which itself is an Alias of Amazon aws URL and finally it has the IP.
    – Y2K
    Commented Jun 29, 2016 at 5:25
  • IP is not same , it changes, they say.
    – Y2K
    Commented Jun 29, 2016 at 5:26
  • Well, if CNAME doesn't work and there is no static IP, the only possibility using only DNS is this NAPTR record, however I am not sure how it works and documentation about it is very difficult to find. The easiest alternative would be to set up an HTTP server that would send a redirect to your blog, but you might as well host the blog on that server instead... Commented Jun 29, 2016 at 7:56

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