I've recently started using matlab. If started with the jvm, log files will be created in the home directory (a different one every time it starts up).

Opening log file: /home/max/java.log.4363

The number at the end is different every time. Is there anyway I can change the location of this file (say a temporary directory)?

I can see no such option in matlab -help.

I should mention that I am currently using matlab 2015, but the same occurs with other recent-ish versions.

1 Answer 1


As written in this answer by Suever to a similar question, you need to specify the MATLAB_LOG_DIR environment variable before starting matlab.

  • 1
    It's better to make answers self-contained by including the essential information within it. Use the link for attribution and reference. Posting just a link to someone else's answer is more appropriate as a comment.
    – fixer1234
    Commented Aug 20, 2016 at 18:48
  • I just didn't want to simply copy the answer as there was nothing to add to it in my opinion. I also thought that an answer would be more visible than the comment. Thanks for pointing that out though, next time I'll just comment
    – disberd
    Commented Aug 25, 2016 at 15:08

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