Upon trying to install another operating system that used the Clover Bootloader and failing, I now can not boot into my Windows installation, getting boot0ss: error. I never had access to the failed OS installation. How could I delete Clover and switch back to the Windows bootloader from the EFI shell?

I also tried the windows 7 startup repair tool, but it failed. The windows repair tool doesn't even seen my hard drive also.

  • 1
    Since hackintosh is a prohibited topic around here, since it is illegal, I have made edits to remove the references to it, but retain your issue Commented Jun 13, 2016 at 21:39
  • Since you solved the problem, you can answer your own question with the solution now, as opposed to just editing the post Commented Jun 14, 2016 at 1:34
  • Please don't edit the answer into your question. Super User is a question and answer site and answers should be separate from questions. You can answer your own question instead.
    – DavidPostill
    Commented Jun 14, 2016 at 11:58

1 Answer 1


I fixed the issue by moving the recovery USB from a USB 3 port to a USB 2 port and running the commands:

select disk 0 (This is the hard drive #.)
select partition 2 (This is the Windows partition #.)
bootrec /rebuildbcd
a (for all)
bootrec /fixmbr
bootrec /fixboot

This let my operating system boot again.

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