I have just installed Debian Stretch with KDE.

When I press ALT+F2 to invoke Krunner I would just get a little white pixel on the top of the screen /the focus will go to this pixel/.

I have tried to type konsole and press enter but it does not do anything (other that the white dot would dissapear).

If I run krunner from terminal directly I have following:

bruno@Casper:~$ krunner
 "Error loading QML file.\n132: Type Milou.ResultsView unavailable\n79:    Type ResultDelegate unavailable\n144: Cannot assign to non-existent    property \"separatorVisible\"\n"

I have checked and the file exists. Can't comment on correctness of the contents though.

1 Answer 1


Try to upgrade system. Had the same problem before today's upgrade of packages.

  • That indeed fixed it Commented Jun 7, 2016 at 20:37

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