I have the current drive setup. 1 SSD that holds windows, 2 smaller SSD's that are RAID0'd and 1 platter drive.

When I installed windows 10, all was good and things were booting fine. After a BIOS problem I reset my settings which included disabling RAID on my board. The system booted fine but I was unable to see my RAID0.

After enabled RAID0 again in my BIOS, I'm unable to boot (INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE) after booting from a usb and running diskpart to take a look. The RAID0 drive now wants to be drive C.

I've tried assigning the proper drive letters in diskpart and things just get reset when I restart.

Can someone help me understand how booting is working? I know the BIOS and boot phase has no concept of drive letters so I assume the UEFI startup phase is assigning those? How can I force my RAID0 drive back to drive letter D and my boot drive to C?

  • 1
    Drive letters aren't a UEFI thing either: they're entirely a Windows thing, and drive letter assignments can differ between different copes of Windows on the same computer. INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE is an error message from the Windows bootloader, which means you've gotten through the UEFI stuff (whose job is to load the OS bootloader). This sounds like a problem with the Windows boot configuration, and may not be related to UEFI at all.
    – Wyzard
    Commented May 7, 2016 at 21:52
  • Does anyone know the steps to trouble shoot this? The problem goes away when I disable RAID so I imagine is something to do with that drive hijacking things but there's not a lot of logging/info on to whats going on
    – Mikeb
    Commented May 7, 2016 at 23:16
  • The only thing I can tell you is newer motherboards will add a disk item to the boot order just because it sees some new disk at post, which does not help keeping things sorted as to what boot order is. Lettering a disk C might indicate system thinks it is the boot disk. I always limit the boot to 1 item (disable everything else). Then drivering the disk controller in windows (general) is not always compatable between raid/ahci/compatable/Ide modes and can crash, but not that error that I know of. It really helps to have worked out the whole layout first, especially with raid.
    – Psycogeek
    Commented May 8, 2016 at 11:30


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