I have created a simple Dynamic Line Chart in Excel 2013 as seen below. As I change the Year in Cell D1, the Series on Y Axis changes accordingly. The X Axis series is static. When I use Excel Range Name V_Ser1 that derives its value based on IF function as Series Name, Excel does not like it.

enter image description here

The formula for V_Ser1 is very simple

=IF(Sheet2!$D$1=2013,"Cost 2013","Cost 2014") 

The Formula is accepted but the Name V_Ser1 when entered in the ‘Series Name’ in Edit Series box is not accepted. The error as per below pic.

enter image description here A Range Name that just points to Cell D1 is accepted (e.g. V_Ser as in first pic)
What exactly is going wrong, is there any constraint on what should go into name of data series in Excel Chart? Thanks

1 Answer 1


That error shows when a range name is deleted while a series still uses that range name in the series definition. Check the chart source and remove all series that don't refer to valid range names.


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