  1. I am learning CSS and want to know what the following texteditor is:

enter image description here

Is there a counterpart for Windows?

  1. There seems to be a Sublime plugin, when you type:


then perhaps press some key, it automatically turns into:

<div class="classname">

What could this plugin be?

  • maybe liveeditor can do the same.
    – jcbermu
    Commented Apr 7, 2016 at 14:14
  • Hi J.Joe, welcome to Super User! Please, try to avoid asking multiple questions in a single post, since it could lead to confussion, as explained here.
    – Hewbot
    Commented Apr 7, 2016 at 19:57

2 Answers 2


Regarding 1. It doesn't seem that there is a version of Espresso for Windows but maybe you can try Liveditor http://liveditor.com/blog/espresso-css-editor-for-windows/


1. Espresso alternative for Windows

There is no direct port or counterpart of Espresso for Windows, but there are several similar live-editing applications available such as Brackets.

2. Short-hand for div.classname

As @daniel-beck mentions this functionality already exists in Sublime Text:

The feature you describe is part of Sublime Text 2 out of the box. Make sure your document uses HTML syntax (View » Syntax » HTML).

Type foo.bar, press Tab, and you'll get . There's also foo#bar (for id instead of class). Both are implemented in Packages/HTML/html_completions.py.


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