
I'm downloading a large .rar file in GOOGLE CHROME but I don't want to leave my system powered on over night. I'm planning to pause and hibernate the system so that when I switch it back on, I can resume the file download in my queue. Is this possible with this method, will it resume the file download where it left off?

  • Seems like the easier solution is to just leave the system on. Don't hibernate the system, let the file download finish, I presume you can provide it AC/DC power.
    – Ramhound
    Commented Mar 16, 2016 at 21:09
  • reason for down vote ? so that i aware of what is wrong with my question. Commented Mar 22, 2016 at 14:15

1 Answer 1


By default Chrome will not resume downloads when your system is suspended / hibernated. You could try the Chrono Download Manager extension which does support pause/resume/resync of downloads.

Google Chrome - Chrono Download Manager

EDIT: There is a new flag you can set in chrome. If you go to the URL below in your address bar:


and enable that, it should work to resume a download.


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