I want to install python on a GoDaddy Windows Hosting , in order to do it I need to enable SSH , I tried to follow this tutorial : https://www.godaddy.com/help/enable-ssh-4942 But I'm not able to find the place where I'm supposed to enter my mobile number , I only see my IP and an info that says that RDP has "login prohibited" Any ideas ?

  • They said that link was for old accounts. Did you try godaddy.com/help/enable-ssh-16102 ? Commented Feb 26, 2016 at 3:23
  • Sorry, we can't help with specific web sites/services. Please contact your provider.
    – Ben N
    Commented Feb 29, 2016 at 15:36

1 Answer 1


Here's my hip-shot, I hope it helps a little.

It's safe to say this will only be possible if your Windows server has an SSH service on it, running and exposed to a port you can reach. I rarely use Windows for servers, but a quick search turned-up a random claim that http://www.freesshd.com is a good SSH server on Windows, I honestly wouldn't know.

So generally speaking, you need to:

  1. Make sure an SSH server is installed on your machine.
  2. Configure it for your needs.
  3. Expose (Firewall exception) it on a port you can reach.

Hopefully someone else will leave a more direct answer for you. But this is my two-cents. Good luck.


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