I have an NFS server (CentOS 6.6 at IP that shares a folder /nfs/share.

I want to mount this folder from a Mac laptop (at mount point /nfs/share).

When I tried the following:

sudo mount -t nfs -o rw,sync,resvport /nfs/share/

(both with or without 'resvport' option) I got an error:

mount_nfs: can't mount /nfs/share from onto /nfs/share: Connection refused

The NFS server should be properly configured as I have no problem mounting the share from a CentOS computer.

The content of /etc/exports looks like this:


UPDATE: finally found that on the NFS server /etc/exports, I need to add insecure as an option:


Apparently this is needed to allow Mac OS X client to connect and according to some it's "not otherwise insecure" but others have claimed that it should not be used.

  • Rather than posting a potential solution in your question it would be better for you to post it as an answer.
    – Mokubai
    Commented Apr 5, 2016 at 16:48


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