Redis’s client list will give you the last command issued by client. It does not give you the key that last command was issued on. What I would like to get is the list key a client is doing BLPOP on.

Is there a way to get this?

1 Answer 1


Although it would be nice to have that kind introspective functionality, it does not exist in Redis ATM. Instead you can try catching the command in-flight to understand what your client is doing.

The straightforward manner to do that is running MONITOR (from a different connection) before the client issues the BLPOP command to get that information. Note that MONITOR carries a performance impact so you should refrain from doing it in production.

  • I was afraid of that. Thank you for your response! I'm also considering adding pub/sub message along side of the push command to bettering logging/monitoring.
    – Jeremiah
    Commented Oct 5, 2015 at 0:22
  • What if the command you want to inspect is an administrative command?
    – Jasper-M
    Commented Dec 3, 2021 at 11:19
  • MONITOR also reports about admin commands (with passwords redacted, mostly) Commented Dec 4, 2021 at 13:34

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