I am using i3 as my window manager. When I open terminal using the default shortcut key, the resulting urxvt cannot display unicode chars. But when I open using urxvt or urxvt -ls, it can.

I've compared the outputs of set, locale and xrdb -q and they are identical except for random/oldpwd/time.

What could be the reason why I cannot see unicode in a terminal that is named after it? If it matters, my file is saved in UTF8.

1 Answer 1


If the locale in which your window manager is running is different, that can explain the problem. That could happen if your system locale differs from the locale set in your shell initialization.

  • That was the problem. I logged $(locale) during the init of my i3, and its all C (some empty). So I edited /etc/default/locale to the output of locale command (which has my local changes)
    – 0fnt
    Commented Jun 11, 2015 at 1:45
  • this answer is also relevant for the same urxvt issue in cygwin; just define windows env variable LANG and LC_ALL and it starts to work
    – graywolf
    Commented Mar 6, 2017 at 15:17

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