1. Enviroment

1.1 Host machine

  • Windows 8.1 Enterprise
  • Chrome v42.0.2311.152
  • Firefox v38.0.1
  • IE v11.0.9600.17031
  • VirtialBox
  • Vagrant
  • 80 port forwarded to port 80 at guest machine at
  • hosts entry for www.myproject.wip pointing to
  • no proxy in IE/Chrome network settings
  • automatically discover DNS
  • DNS prefetching disabled
  • third party search engines in address bar disabled

1.2 Guest machine

  • Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
  • Apache 2.4

2. The problem

With virtual machine running when I open Firefox and browse www.myproject.wip it correctly displays the local website hosted on Apache inside the virtual machine.

When I try the same in IE or Chrome as a result I get "could determine the IP address for host www.myproject.wip". This is a standard error page from my organization's DNS.

How to debug this?

I've tried:

  • disableing all plugins
  • clearing browser cache
  • ipconfig /flushdns
  • chrome://net-internals/#dns clear host cache

to no avail :(

2 Answers 2


Add this line to your hosts file of Windows: www.myproject.wip

This file is located at this path:


Hope this help

  • I already did. See point 1.1 of my post. hosts entry for www.myproject.wip pointing to
    – aka
    Commented May 26, 2015 at 11:38

Old post but, Possibly change hosts on the device too to point to your host machine.



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