Let's consider the following scenario: In my desktop machine i have two applications opened side by side, a browser and a text editor(half size of the display for each application).

How can I switch between those two applications, but without using alt-tab or win-tab or mouse clicks?

If is nothing default built on windows xp/vista or 7 how can I do that programmatically using c++? For example to press alt+l(or alt+1), to activate the left window and the alt+r(alt+2) to activate the right window.


  • Why the close votes? The words "C++" and "programmatically" definitely make this a programming question.
    – Thomas
    Commented Dec 10, 2009 at 19:16
  • @Thomas As I read it, OP is asking for a built-in capability or an existing app, or short of that "how can I do it", which is far too vague for an SO programming question. Commented Dec 10, 2009 at 19:20

4 Answers 4


Create an AutoHotKey script to grab those keyboard shortcuts and activate the program you want.


If you have the handles to those windows, you can use SetForegroundWindow.

You can get a windows handle if you know the title with FindWindow. This article explains how to get a window handle if you partially know the title (non-exact match), though I've never tried.

For your hot-keys, look at SetWindowsHookEx with WH_KEYBOARD as the hook type. You'll make a KeyboardProc, which Windows will call on key-presses. Here, you can capture your specific key-combinations and activate certain windows.

That said, Windows provides hot-keys for you, as outlined in other answers.


On Windows 7, you can switch to any of the first ten items on the taskbar (whether running or not) by pressing Windows+(1..0). You can drag taskbar items around to change the order.

  • 1
    This works a little different in Vista: Windows-1..9 opens the corresponding quick link from the bar next to your start menu
    – Jorn
    Commented Dec 10, 2009 at 19:14
  • Yes, which doesn't answer the question. That's why I said On Windows 7.
    – SLaks
    Commented Dec 10, 2009 at 19:19

Use this AutoHotKey script:

~LAlt & Tab::Send ^#{Tab}

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