Microsoft allows download of Windows Updates, drivers and other upgrades from the Microsoft Update Catalog: http://catalog.update.microsoft.com .

Unfortunately there seems to be no search syntax available to do advanced searches such as OR, NOT and similar. Does anyone know if this is possible? For example: I keep getting a lot of Windows 7 Embedded updates listed along with Windows 7 updates as well as outdated and deprecated updates.

Try this default search: Windows 7 x64 security updates


1 Answer 1


To Search in Microsoft Update Catalog, we can Use below two Operation.. 

  1. +: this plus operator ensures that both words should be exist. so it is working like AND operator.

  2. : Minus operator is used to Exclude some specific Word. Like "Windows"-"Security" : so this will result all update which contains Windows but does not contain Security.

For example :- AND(+): "Microsoft .NET Framework"+"Windows 10" NOT (-) : ("Framework")-"Update for"-"Security"-"intel"-"Quality".

Thank you

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