I'll say it right off the bat - I am a complete Excel/Calc amateur.

What I want to do is apply 3 tables, each with 2 columns of data into a chart with 1 XY-line for each.

My current data looks something like this:

col1 col2    col1 col2     col1 col2
8    9       8    9        8    9
10   0       10   0        10   0
2    4       2    4        2    4
8    1       8    1        8    1
82   8       82   8        82   8

, but I have also tried in a descending fashion:

col1 col2 
8    9
10   0
2    4
8    1
82   8

col1 col2
8    9
10   0
2    4
8    1
82   8

col1  col2
8    9
10   0
2    4
8    1
82   8

I haven't managed to make the graphs look anything like decent, and I am sure I am doing plenty wrong. How should I structure my tables in order to be able to create a nice chart/graph from it?

Note: Ignore the actual data, just made up some random numbers to display the table placement.

1 Answer 1


The solution depends on your actual values:

  1. If the X values are identical in all three "tables", then:

    • just arrange the Y value columns side by side, keeping just the first X values column (so the columns are: tab1.X, tab1.Y, tab2.Y, tab3.Y):

      enter image description here will get enter image description here

    • select the complete, newly arranged data table (in my example: A1:D6);
    • create the chart:

      • Menu "Insert" -> "Chart...";
      • select "X/Y (Scatter)" as chart type; if the X values aren't sorted, select "sort by X values":

        enter image description here

      • click next;
      • make sure that "data series in columns" is selected as well as "First row as label":

        enter image description here

    That's all for this case. The result should look like this:

    enter image description here

  2. If the X values aren't identical in all three "tables", things get difficult.

    • Copy all three "tables" completely (with X and Y columns) side by side:

      enter image description here

    • select the complete data table (in my example: A1:F6);
    • create the chart:

      • Menu "Insert" -> "Chart...";
      • select "X/Y (Scatter)" as chart type; if the X values aren't sorted, select "sort by X values" (as above):
      • click next;
      • make sure that "data series in columns" is selected and "First row as label" is not selected; click next;
      • tell Calc which columns hold the X values and which the Y values. By default, Calc will try to tread each column as X value column:

        enter image description here

      • First, remove the data ranges that point to X values: in the "Data series" list box, select "Column C" and remove it using the "Remove" button beneath the list box; do the same with "Column E". Now, the wizard should look like this:

        enter image description here

      • Then, for "Column D" and "Column F", set the correct X value range. To do so:

        • select Column D" in the "Data series" List box and then the "X values..." entry from the "Data ranges" list box:

          enter image description here

        • change the range so it points to C2:C6:

          enter image description here

        • repeat both steps for the "Column F" data range.

    The result will be an X/Y chart with three data ranges and different X values:

    enter image description here


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