I have added 2 Custom Colours to an Office Theme called TMRColours.thmx. The goal is to have this theme used by default in Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook, making the 2 colours available in all new documents.

I have largely succeeded, but one small issue remains with PowerPoint, and I hope someone can shed some light.

Successful behaviour in the other programs: In Word, Excel and Outlook, you can go to where you choose which Theme to use, and you can see that the theme 'TMRColours' is selected.

Unexpected behaviour in PowerPoint: In PowerPoint, yes, my custom colours are present. However, when you look under Design, and hover over the theme that is selected, it reads "Blank: used by all slides". I would have expected "TMRColours: used by all slides". It's not that an incorrect theme is selected, but that it is referred to as Blank, rather than TMRColours. In every other respect, it is the correct TMRColours theme. This also shows at the bottom, in the PowerPoint status bar - Slide 1 of 1 | "Blank"

Anyway, this may be normal, and may be inevitable since the name of the PowerPoint template where the default Theme to use is set has to be Blank.potx, but it seems a bit unprofessional. So I wanted to see if anyone knew more about this, and how the visible name might be affected.

Thanks in advance, Sandra

1 Answer 1


Just a guess, but maybe Blank is the name of the Slide Master?

Try to go to view > Master View. Then select the first slide (the slide master) and chose Slide Master > Rename

  • You got it!! Sorry, I haven't been back to this client since last week, but tried it today. Brilliant - thank you so much!
    – Sandra
    Commented Apr 17, 2014 at 15:09

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