I have a Server 2008 VM (Parallels 9), and I share a folder from OSX via a mapped network drive "T:".

I am trying to make a symlink from one folder on T: to another folder on the same drive, like so:

T:\> mklink /d foo bar

After working out all the permissions issues, a la this question, I have discovered that Windows doesn't like the filesystem (PrlSF).

Is there a way to create a Windows-recognized symlink there?

I have tried

  • making the symlink in OSX (Explorer calls it a "File," and it plays all sorts of merry havoc with the dir list.)
  • mklink /d C:\foo bar, which makes a link, but file permissions are impossible to set.
  • mklink /d foo C:\bar, which gives the same error:

    The device does not support symbolic links.

  • The share is actually on the OSX box? Commented Mar 20, 2014 at 20:55
  • Yes. T: is a mapping to \\psf\share, which is a "network drive" created by Parallels of a folder in OSX. Commented Mar 20, 2014 at 20:59

1 Answer 1


"...the functionality enabling cross-host symbolic links requires that the remote system also support them, which effectively limits their support to Windows Vista and later Windows operating systems." --Wikipedia

It looks like mklink is tolerant of other file systems, unlike a junction, as long as Windows can read it. If it's a network share, it's using (essentially) Network File System (NFS) over Samba (SMB), so it can even read proprietary file systems.

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