On my windows 2008 box I just did what the steps said:

  • mkgroup -d >> ..\etc\group
  • mkpasswd -d -u username >> ..\etc\passwd

In my passwd file, I see my user like it's been pulled in from the domain, but I can't ssh into the box from my other windows machine. I get the following:

C:\oc\chef>ssh '[email protected]'@machine169
[email protected]@machine169169's password: [][][][]
Permission denied, please try again.

Is there a step I'm missing?

  • Tried: 1) "ssh user:domain@server" and 2) "ssh -l user@domain server" Neither worked for me. Permission denied also.
    – jgomo3
    Commented Sep 7, 2016 at 19:19

1 Answer 1


Update the OpenSSH to a newer version

Internet still point you to http://sshwindows.sourceforge.net/. But that project is not being maintained. Use http://www.mls-software.com/opensshd.html instead.

By the time of writing, the sshwindows port is at version 3.8, but the opensshd port from mls-software is at version 7.3.

Check the contents of the passwd file for the domain name as OpenSSH expects it

Find the line beginning with your user name. The lines are records delimited by colons :.

See what is the content of the fifth field. It will tell you exactly what is the domain name considered by SSH.

Use an alternative connection syntax

So, to connect to the server, given that the domain name in the passwd file for the user user is DOMAIN, you can connect with any of this:

ssh user:DOMAIN@server
ssh -l user:DOMAIN server

Iportant: OpenSSH is case sensitive. So write the username and domain name exactly as they appear in the passwd file.

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