I am trying to share the Host OS Internet connection with the guest operating system installed in VMWare workstation 9.0. The guest operating system is centos 6.5 linux installed with "expert text" option.

I have used the bridge connection as the type of connection for guest os in vmware.

enter image description here

Then in linux I have changed the /etc/resolve like this

enter image description here

and I also changed the /etc/sysconfig/network like this

enter image description here

I modified the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 like this

enter image description here

and I restarted my network and it gave something like this

enter image description here

now when I try to ping www.google.com , i am getting error enter image description here

i checked the ifconfig and it show me something like this

enter image description here

I am new to networking in Linux, can anybody help me fixing this issue.

  • This question should be in SuperUser
    – vis.15
    Commented Oct 16, 2013 at 0:38

1 Answer 1


The problem solved by changing the nameserver ip address to the correct DNS server which was

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