My existing Outlook 2010 PST file is corrupted and it cannot be repaired.

I don't delete my server e-mails (POP3) so all my 'old' e-mails are still on the server. How do I download them all again (there's about 3 years' worth (2GB 'ish of data going by the file size of my corrupted PST file)?

In the Outlook navigation space, a root folder containing about 20 sub-folders (all with old e-mails in) just disappeared today, so I can't access any of the old e-mails that were stored in the sub folders of the inbox.

But not all the inbox sub folders disappeared and for those that remain, I can still acess the old e-mails (which are presumably in the uncorrupted part of the corrupted .pst file).

How do I download all my old E-mails from the server? Do I have to make a new PST file for them to go into?

1 Answer 1



If you have access to the server, you'd use the exchange management console to export a new pst.

If that's the case, follow this guide here, it's different from how it used to be done in 2007, but its essentially done from a PowerShell window.



If you're a regular user and do not have access to the server, you'll need to build a new profile in outlook. Do that in the control panel.

From Control Panel, Select MAIL

Add New Profile

Add New Profile

Name & Create

Name & Create

Set To Prompt

Set To Prompt

Once you have a new profile, it should just redownload everything and you can build a new PST file from there.

  • I dont understand this apparently helpful answer.
    – Peter F
    Commented May 15, 2013 at 10:13
  • do you have access to the server, yes or no? if no, build a new profile in the control panel.
    – MDT Guy
    Commented May 15, 2013 at 17:09

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