I need some more space in my computer, therefore I want some basic changes be done. One of those is setting a RAID up for all files to be a bit more robust (I have just had a hd crash, so I am a bit paranoid at the moment).

The old setup: One dedicated root and one boot partition on a HD. Nothing special. The other partitions are located under LVM (does not matter here).

The new (desired) setup: The two partitions / and /boot are merged into one single partition and managed under a RAID5. The LVM will be under another RAID5.

What I did: I created on all new HDs the partitions: One for the root RAID, one for swap and one for the rest. I created the root file system and copied the relevant data there. I modified /etc/fstab to use the correct device (RAID partition and not mounting on /boot). Then I cheated in the grub.cfg of the old system such that I can boot into the new root. Just a quick hack to be able to boot up.

Now the problem arises: I rebooted and was able to start the new (RAID based) root file system. There I made a update-grub and installed grub on another HD. So now I am able to select via the bios which grub version to use. If I select the old one, the RAID based root file system can be loaded and everything works. If I try this from the new grub version (automatically generated and using data only from the RAID partition), I end up in a grub rescue console. I get some error like: error: No such device .... Here the UUID of the RAID Device is inserted.

So my question(s):

  • Can grub generaly load its data from a raid device?
  • Are there any special actions needed?
  • Is it possible with and level and metadata version?
  • Do I need a separate /boot partition to allow correct booting?


PS: It is a debian squeeze system.

PPS: Working grub configuration and not working configuration for further reading.

1 Answer 1


Finally I got it running. I had to uncomment the line GRUB_TERMINAL=console in /etc/default/grub and then do a update-grub. I also added GRUB_PRELOAD_MODULES="raid mdraid" at the end (not sure if needed).

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