I'm little confused about "process" in linux. How does linux assign privileges to processes that are created under different users? Say if a root user starts a process (say jboss server) does the jboss server will have root privileges? or will have a seperate privilege? can anybody suggest a site that have information about linux process.

Thanks and Regards.

1 Answer 1


The process is usually run by a specific user. if you log in yourself and run the program, it will run with the same privileges as yourself.

So in your case if you run a root user starts jboss server, jboss server process will have root privileges.

I think you can find a lot of information in this post:


  • The above link speaks about effective userid, how to get the effect userid of a proces if I know that processid of a process?
    – pavi
    Commented Apr 2, 2013 at 10:59
  • 1
    To find the effective user id of process user "ps -ef" will give you effective user id of all the process running.To find the effective user of a specific process say "jboss" you can use "ps -ef | grep jboss",thank you very much TheEwook for your answer.
    – pavi
    Commented Apr 2, 2013 at 12:10
  • Glad to help ;)
    – TheEwook
    Commented Apr 2, 2013 at 13:05

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