I have Lion MacOS X, since my computer was sent to apple tech support I can't execute ANY java webapplet (however java locally works fine), I read that I must enable java from Java Preferences, however this has not worked, I've been enabling and disabling java for 3 days (even I restarted).

What can I do?

  • Does it apply to all browsers? Or have you checked if Java is enabled in the preferences of the browsers you use?
    – Lri
    Commented Jul 25, 2012 at 0:19
  • It affects all browsers, I'm taking about the"java preferences" i read that i should enable java in this preferences searching this in spotlight
    – Kenny D.
    Commented Jul 25, 2012 at 3:59

2 Answers 2


From MacUpdate:

Java for OS X Lion delivers improved security, reliability, and compatibility by updating Java SE 6 to 1.6.0_33.

This update configures the Java plug-in to deactivate when no applets are run for an extended period of time. If the prior update named "Java for OS X 2012-003" was not installed, this update will disable the Java web plug-in immediately. Java applets may be re-enabled by clicking the region labeled "Inactive plug-in" on a web page.

Please quit any web browsers and Java applications before installing this update.

  • Yes, the problem is that java doesnt ask when to be enabled, however i enabled it through java preferences
    – Kenny D.
    Commented Jul 25, 2012 at 4:00

Well, it seems like a reinstall of Lion did all the work, no clean install is need though :), thanks for the support

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