Is there a reasonable way to systematically check all the internal links in an MS Word document? I am prepared to do this manually (after noticing that for some reasons, some links stopped working when I edited the document), but how to do that? When I Ctrl click on a link, I can see what it points to, but then what? How can I return to the point where I was?

If I right-click on a link and select Edit Hyperlink, Word generally does not show what the link currently points to.

2 Answers 2


I think I found a clumsy but useful way: Save the document as web page (compressed or not). Then you can open it in a web browser and click on the links, and the browser’s Back button lets you get back to the point where you were.

I’m still hoping to find a more direct way...


Try pressing Alt + F9 .

That way the hyperlinks will be changed to the internal code and can be edited. If you press again Alt + F9 the hyperlinks will go back to their normal formatting.

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