My case fans are plugged into my motherboard and I have no more slots for fans. I read from a source on yahoo answers I should wire all my case fans to a molex 4 pin adapter--and plug that directly into the power supply.

The problem is my PSU doesn't have a Molex insert or adapter. This is my power supply.

It has what looks like to be PCI-E plugs coming out of my PSU. How can I route my case fans to connect to my PSU?

2 Answers 2


Your PSU definitely has such connectors, they look like this (from wikipedia): You just have to put your fans on adapters like these are (probably come with your fans) and from there to your PSU.

enter image description here

  • I don't see those on my PSU though. Did you see the newegg link I posted?
    – Kyle
    Commented Feb 7, 2012 at 17:36
  • @Kyle yeah, on the link they are called "6 x 4-Pin Peripheral Connector"
    – inf
    Commented Feb 7, 2012 at 17:43
  • @Kyle - I can't see from the pictures very well, but I've NEVER seen a modular power supply that didn't come with at least one Molex power cable chain, and that one clearly comes with a lot of cables. The reviews seem to indicate that it includes Molex as well.
    – Shinrai
    Commented Feb 7, 2012 at 17:44

Get a SATA to Molex adaptor

then you can plug your fan in

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