I'm pretty sure I have some sort of virus or just some program that wants to install itself. However, I can't figure out what it is and my Windows 7 AV (MSE) doesn't find anything on scans...

Once in awhile, maybe once every two days, an installer window appears:


I never hit Next, but instead close it (I'm afraid to hit Next)

Anyone seen this before or know what it could be? Couldn't really find anything about it with Google. Nothing with it gives any clue as to what "program" it wants to install...

I would like to avoid running a system restore unless its possible for me to restore to factory defaults on a single partition, aka without bombing my entire Linux ecosystem living on the second half of the hard drive. I don't have any files that aren't backed up on some repository somewhere, so if push comes to shove, I'm fine with just reinstalling Windows 7 (via restore partition or the DVD I burned of it, since my laptop provider did not supply me with an installation disk...) to get rid of the darn thing.

UPDATE: Seems related to Sony VAIO. Process name varies and seems somewhat generic/random.

  • It's probably NOT a virus/malware (they tend to try and hide). Have you checked the Task Manager when this window opens up to try and figure out what the process is that's showing it to you? My guess (by the picture) is that it's some bloatware your notebook OEM included, probably something to do with your optical drive (LightScribe installer? Drive firmware updater?). Commented Aug 9, 2011 at 19:14
  • @techie007 I've checked the application but not the process, I think. The application name was very generic. Right now I'm wondering if Steam (which was installed on my laptop by a family member) is trying to reinstall itself after I removed it.
    – mathepic
    Commented Aug 9, 2011 at 19:15
  • Again, malware almost NEVER tells you it's running, and certainly doesn't care what language you speak. I'd say stop being a chicken and hit [next]. :) Commented Aug 9, 2011 at 19:18
  • @techie007 I've had it for several months and the problem only recently started occurring as well. The whole "generic name" thing is what makes me think that its something shady. Usually the installer has a name like "_____ Installer", not "Installer"
    – mathepic
    Commented Aug 9, 2011 at 19:19
  • 1
    do you have a iso file mounted or a cd/dvd in the drive?
    – N4TKD
    Commented Aug 9, 2011 at 19:24

1 Answer 1


Okay, figured out what it is. If you go to Vaio Update -> Check For Updates, it reveals that Vaio Update itself must be updated. If you click to update it, you get the Select Country screen. It looks like the screen is safe.

"I have been having this issue for weeks unwilling to hit next and just ran vaio update and this is definitely a VAIO update."

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