I have been trying to shutdown a remote XP machine but cannot get it to budge.

I did the following on the Windows box:

  • Ensured no firewall
  • Started Remote Registry Editing service
  • Shared a network drive (to enable file sharing?)
  • Created a user 'shutdown' specifically for shutting down
  • Added 'shutdown' to Administrators group
  • Added 'shutdown' to the list of allowed shutdown users in gpedit.msc

Here's what I have tried:

From Windows 7 box:

  • shutdown -m computer (Access denied message)
  • psshutdown -m computer (Access denied message)
  • runas /user:computer\shutdown "cmd /K shutdown -m computer (access denied)
  • runas /user:shutdown "cmd /K shutdown -m computer (access denied)

From Linux box:

  • net rpc shutdown -I computer -U user%password (says shutdown succeeded)
  • rpcclient -I x.x.x.x -c shutdown -U user (gives usage message)

Is there anyway to shut it down without resorting to telnet / ssh?

1 Answer 1


According to these links (1, 2, 3) you are most likely sending the psshutdown command as a guest user.

First, turn off simple file and printer sharing. Next, enable normal file and printer sharing.

Then instead of psshutdown, try:

psexec -u <xp_home_user> -p <password> \\xpMachine notepad

If Notepad opens, then that means psshutdown should work! Try:

psshutdown.exe \\xpMachine -t 10 -f -u Administrator -p password

I notice you said you had tried:

psshutdown -m computer 

However you should note that the psshutdown command requires a \\ and a password.

  • Thank you very much! All I had to do was turn off simple file and printer sharing. Also TIL how to enable the security tab on files :)
    – hamstar
    Commented Apr 28, 2011 at 2:59

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