Fedora 14 xfce

I have installed a package using yum install package-name.

However, I can't seen to find out where it has been installed to.

Is there any command that will tell me what directory the files have been installed to?

4 Answers 4


You can just use the rpm tool for this.

rpm -ql package-name

Will list all files installed by that package (that's que-ell).


You could open a terminal session and use whereis:

[linker3000@aa1 ~]$ whereis vi
vi: /bin/vi /usr/share/man/man1/vi.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1p/vi.1p.gz

The above will work but I found rpm did not work for development libraries (e.g. libssl-dev). It may have been me, but maybe not. Here is another approach:

If you have Synaptic Package Manager you can:

  1. Locate the package under Installed.
  2. Right click and select Properties.
  3. Click the Installed Files tab.

This will show you where all the files are installed. An especially useful piece of information for development libraries that are installed in multiple locations.


In newer Fedora versions, dnf is used. Use:

dnf list installed

or, to filter the packages where the name starting with "jackson", use

dnf list installed "jackson*"

  • This doesn't show where the package is installed, just which version and from which dnf repository
    – Caleb
    Commented May 26, 2023 at 2:02

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