I have 2 dynamic 2d arrays of equal length n x y. I want to add every entry of row n of the 1st array to every entry of row n of the 2nd array for every row. It will make a n x n spilled 2d array for each row. Based on some criteria I want to filter out 1 value out of it at a later stage. I have made a formula that can do that but has no spill behavior. I want it to be dynamic and expand to n rows automatically without dragging it.

Image of 2 arrays and addition formula is attached

I know the reason it is not dynamic is because of the row_num entry of the index formula. I tried to use sequence formula but it messed up the addition. Any non-VBA solution to this?


I want this output in U472 The formula used in U47 is

=TRANSPOSE(INDEX($M$47#,ROW(M47)-ROW($M$47)+1,) + TRANSPOSE(INDEX($Q$47#,ROW(M47)-ROW($M$47)+1,)))

I want this output in U483

In my case, I can't have this because I will have a spill error. I know I can't have a 4 x 4 output in one cell because it will spill if I have a value in a cell below it.4

However, I will only use one value out of the 16 values depending on certain criteria. One thing I can do is to apply the criteria in the cell like this 5

The problem is that the array doesn't remain dynamic. I have to drag it every time the number of rows of array M47# and Q47# changes. I want it to be dynamic. What can I do to encounter this problem?

  • Addition will result in a y x y 2d array not n x n 2d array Commented Apr 18 at 14:22
  • =TRANSPOSE(INDEX($M$47#,ROW(M47)-ROW($M$47)+1,) + TRANSPOSE(INDEX($Q$47#,ROW(M47)-ROW($M$47)+1,))) formula in the cell Commented Apr 18 at 14:29
  • 1
    Side note: it's better to include your formula as text and not as a screencapture, that way people who want to test it out don't need to retype it all. Commented Apr 18 at 14:56

1 Answer 1


Not sure whether you are trying to accomplish something like this or not:

enter image description here

• Formula used in cell U47


Edit: Updated formula:

enter image description here


  • No not like that. I want to add 1st row entries of Array M47# i.e. 0.8,1.2,1.8,3.2 to 1st row entries of Array Q47# i.e. 0,0,0,0 it will give out a 4x4 2d array in U47 and same for second row and so on. I have already done this. I want a formula to do this for every row and spit the output in same row i.e. for 2nd row I want my output in U48. I know that 4x4 output can't reside in 4x1 space. So suppose I want one value out of 4x4 based on a given criteria. Let criteria be min value. So formula should spit values in adjacent rows and be dynamic. My formula does not remain dynamic. Commented Apr 19 at 2:28
  • By addition I mean each entry of M47# been added to each entry of Q47#. But not at once. One row at a time. Your solution adds each entry of whole array to each entry of other array. What I want is to add 1st row entries of both arrays then 2nd row entries of both array. Hope it is more clear now. Commented Apr 19 at 2:36
  • Addition will spit out 4x4 for each row. 4x4 for U47 and 4x4 for U48. And there is no need to drag the formula. It should be dynamic in nature. Commented Apr 19 at 2:39
  • Thanks for the feedback. I have edited my post. Commented Apr 19 at 6:05
  • Yes blue ones are my output. But in last image output have no color. Commented Apr 19 at 6:27

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