psuedo code / desired behaviour

When I click on a link (on a webpage in the firefox web browser)
if there is a tab that has the same url as the link I clicked on:
  switch to that tab
  open link in new tab (default)

Existing work-arounds

  • When I start typing in a link in the search bar, Firefox will suggest switching to a tab where it might already be open.
  • However my requirements are for a similar behaviour but for when I click on links.


  • I'm doing a lot of research and clicking a lot of links that might be the same.
  • I want to prevent opening unnecessary tabs, it should go to the tab where the page is already open/loaded

Related (kind of) but not duplicate of

1 Answer 1


This functionality is not built-into Firefox, so you should look for an add-on.

Here are some add-ons that relate to your post:

  • Duplicate Tabs Closer
    Perhaps to be used with option "On duplicate tab detected" set as "Close tab automatically:", and option "On remaining tab" set as "Activate".
  • Duplicate Tabs Closer
    A fork of the previous add-on.
  • Tab Deduper
    "Whenever a tab's URL changes, it is checked against the current window's existing tabs. On a match, one is made active and the other is removed."
  • Smart Prevent Duplicate Tabs
  • The first option worked perfectly! (coincidentally I already had the first option installed)
    – Heinrich
    Commented Jul 5, 2023 at 9:50

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