I have to schedule the launch of a program and I have to do that through Task Scheduler.
I want to set the task to Run whether user is logged on or not and I don't want to check the
Do not store password box, but then Task Scheduler asks me for username and password when finishing the creation of the task. Actually the username is correct but the password (the PIN I use to access my computer at every boot) isn't correct, Task Scheduler gives this error:
"...cannot apply your changes. The user account is unknown, the password is incorrect, or the account does not have permission to modify the task.".
I don't want to check the Run only when user is logged on option because the program will show up every time, actually is running silent having that other option checked, but to avoid the password request I am forced to check the Do not store password box but, by doing this, since it doesn't store password, it can access only the local archive, is what that box caption says.
I really need to solve that password related problem.
Thanks in advance.

1 Answer 1


This is most likely because the windows pin and password are two different things. Your account still has a separate password even if you typically login with a "Windows Hello" pin or biometrics. You will need to figure out what your password is and use that. If you login in with a Microsoft account this is the same password you use to login in to Microsoft websites.

  • Thanks @pholly, it worked! I used my microsoft.com password. Commented Mar 3, 2023 at 16:17

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