As in the title. My GPU has a serious problem as it shows lots of lines on the screen.

I can probably use the integrated graphics card to connect it to the monitor. But can I use the Nvidia GPU without connecting it directly to the monitor? (i.e., something related to the Nvidea Technology that uses both integrated and dedicated cards)?

I specifically want to use the power of the Nvidia GPU for Autocad, Sketchup, etc.

1 Answer 1


Using your integrated graphics video ports cannot be powered/use-the Nvidia cards GPU/video-technology.

Are you sure the lines aren't being caused by the monitor, video cable, or even specific video ports on the graphics card? Can you see the lines in the BIOS/UEFI? The last question eliminates windows, drivers, settings from possibly causing it, AKA if problem is in BIOS/UEFI it's HW at fault.

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