Short summary: how to make MS Edge automatically open all links starting with ftp:// in Internet Explorer mode? Is it possible at all? (Could be also a command line switch, if one exists - I can just create a batch file that runs Edge with the needed parameter).

(By default, ftp:// links don't open in MS Edge - as in most other browsers - at all, if you didn't define a handler for them. They do open in IE mode, but only if you add the exact link to list of "Internet Explorer sites" in Edge - exact, means if you add ftp://some.server.address/ to the list, then that exact link will work, but ftp://some.server.address/directory/ won't - so it's just impossible to add all links for even one server)

Longer explanation:

As you probably know, Microsoft is starting to remove Internet Explorer from Windows. But there's a problem. IE is currently the only browser that supports the ftp:// type URLs. Both Chromium-based browsers (Chrome, Chromium, Edge etc.) and Firefox stopped supporting them long ago.

I still often use ftp:// type links, so I set IE to be my ftp:// handler and it works perfectly :). But if IE will be removed, I would need another application. However, no FTP client that I have tested seamlessly supports all ftp:// links. Some of them support only links to directories, but not to files; some don't allow you to change default download location when downloading the file; some require the username to be present in the link for non-anonymous downloads (like ftp://[email protected]/...) which of course isn't present in the links that I have. Browser seems to behave best - URLs were designed for browsers, anyway...

So a possible option would be to use MS Edge with its Internet Explorer mode. But here comes the problem described above. I would have to add all possible links to Edge's "Internet Explorer sites" list. There seems to be no way to tell Edge "open all ftp:// links in IE mode". Can it be done?

  • Depending on your version, you may have an option like edge://flags/#enable-ftp, but it's been recently removed in chromium
    – Cpt.Whale
    Commented Jun 16, 2022 at 20:08
  • 1
    I assume you have attempted to use the Use the Enterprise Mode IE website list group policy?
    – Ramhound
    Commented Jun 16, 2022 at 20:23
  • @Ramhound No, I have used the list built into MS Edge, in Settings. I didn't think there is a difference - thanks for the tip! The instructions to use the Enterprise Mode on MS website are quite unclear - it took some time until I found out that the key point is to download an additional policy file from the website. Using Enterprise mode, it is enough to put only top-level URL into the list, that is good news. However, I still have to add individual servers to the list, there is no possibility to configure a "catch-all" for ftp:// protocol. I will have to live with that.
    – raj
    Commented Jun 16, 2022 at 21:41

1 Answer 1


You could use a browser that is not Chromium-based, so doesn't follow the drive to abolish the ftp protocol.

One such browser is palemoon, which you can define as the handler for the ftp:// protocol (I can help with establishing the handler).

  • I'd rather prefer to stick to what I already have on the computer than to install another browser (a fourth one; I use Firefox for most of my web browsing, Chrome installation is forced by my employer - it is a work computer - because there are some internal web apps that require Chrome, and Edge is provided by Windows). But I will give it a try if there will be no other option.
    – raj
    Commented Jun 16, 2022 at 19:52

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