In htop some processes are displayed in red and others in blue. What is the meaning of these colors?

htop process colors

  • 3
    While blue isn't, red is covered in the man page: "The basename is marked in red if the executable used to run the process has been replaced or deleted on disk since the process started"
    – JW0914
    Commented Apr 21, 2022 at 10:53

1 Answer 1


A red process name means that the executable has been replaced or deleted since the process was started. The blue (or cyan) that you are seeing is a highlight of the basename of the executable to make it easier to see.

Additionally, a yellow process name means that a library which is used by the process has been replaced or deleted since starting the process. This was added in version 3.1.0 of htop.

The Command highlight options and the meaning of red and yellow are explained in the COLUMNS section of the man page

You can enable or disable these options under the "Display options" section of the htop Setup screen

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