I've been trying to disable windows 10 updates through traditional means by creating registry entries and editing gpolicy but to no avail. I restart yet I keep getting this end of service update notification. I would like to keep windows update available for new hardware but I don't need the security patches and feature updates at all. I'm not sure on how to get rid of this notification, it keeps appearing every couple of minutes without anyway to hide it. Despite me also disabling all notifications, this spam end of service notification keeps appearing. Any ideas? WINDOWS 10 CONSTANT UPDATE SPAM NOTIFICATION IMAGE

I have also tried using this batch script for diabling notifications which I found elsewhere (can't remember where) yet the notification still comes up and takes up the screen.

@(echo off% <#%) &color 07 &title Windows Update Notifications-only Toggle, AveYo 2018-2020
set "0=%~f0" &set 1=%*& powershell -nop -c iex ([io.file]::ReadAllText($env:0)) &exit/b ||#>)[1]

$PS = {
 $notify += 'MusNotification','MusNotifyIcon'                             # UpdateOrchestrator
 $notify += 'EOSNotify','GWX'                                             # End Of Support
 $notify += 'Windows10UpgraderApp','Windows10Upgrade','WindowsUpdateBox'  # Windows 10 Upgrade
 $notify += 'UpdateNotificationMgr','UNPUXLauncher','UNPUXHost'           # Universal Notification Platform
# OPTIONAL:                                                               # OPTIONAL:
#$notify += 'wermgr','WerFault','WerFaultSecure','DWWIN'                  # Windows Error Reporting
#$notify += 'compattelrunner'                                             # Application Experience
#$notify += 'dstokenclean','appidtel'                                     # ApplicationData
#$notify += 'wsqmcons'                                                    # Customer Experience Improvement Prg
#$notify += 'dusmtask'                                                    # DUSM
#$notify += 'dmclient'                                                    # Feedback\Siuf
#$notify += 'DataUsageLiveTileTask'                                       # {SID}\DataSenseLiveTileTask
#$notify += 'DiagnosticsHub.StandardCollector.Service'                    # System32\DiagSvcs
#$notify += 'HxTsr'                                                       # microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps
#$notify += 'PilotshubApp'                                                # Microsoft.WindowsFeedbackHub_
#$notify += 'SpeechModelDownload','SpeechRuntime'                         # Speech
#$notify += 'LocationNotificationWindows','WindowsActionDialog'           # Location

 $status='Windows Update Notifications ENABLED!'
 $ifeo='HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options'
 if (gp "$ifeo\MusNotification.exe" Debugger -ea 0) {$status='Windows Update Notifications DISABLED!'}

# Choice 6 = yes, 7 = no, 2 = cancel
 if ($env:1 -ne 6 -and $env:1 -ne 7) {
   Add-Type -As PresentationFramework;$choice=[System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show('Disable WU Notifications?',$status,3,32);
   if ($choice -eq 2) {exit} else {$c=[int]$choice; $env:1=$c}

# Elevate passing $choice as $env:1
 $i="`r (\   /)`r( * . * )   UAC is useless below Always-Notify`r    ```r"
 $u=0;$w=whoami /groups;if($w-like'*1-5-32-544*'){$u=1};if($w-like'*1-16-12288*'){$u=2};if($w-like'*1-16-16384*'){$u=3}
 if ($u -lt 2) {start powershell -args "-nop -c & {`$i='$i';`$env:1=$c;`$PS={$($PS -replace'"','\"')};& `$PS}" -Verb RunAs;exit}

# Toggle
 if ($env:1 -eq 6) {
   $notify |% {
    kill -name $_ -force -ea 0
    ni "$ifeo\$_.exe" -Force -ea 0|out-null
    sp "$ifeo\$_.exe" Debugger $dummy -Force -ea 0
 } else {
   $notify |% {rp "$ifeo\$_.exe" Debugger -Force -ea 0}

#timeout -1

& $PS
#-_-# hybrid script, can be pasted directly into powershell console
  • I’ve got limited storage space (very limited) and so this is a throw away machine if you will that I set up for testing, I don’t particularly need these feature updates. I need to stop that notification appearing as it blocks half the screen (since I’m using a low resolution display for this test machine). There’s gotta be a way.
    – mya205
    Commented May 6, 2021 at 21:38
  • You have an individual Windows 10 system. Updates cannot be disabled. That is not new but increasingly enforced.
    – anon
    Commented May 6, 2021 at 21:40
  • Any alternatives? What’s the best course of action as I literally only need to disable that single notification in the image I attached.
    – mya205
    Commented May 6, 2021 at 21:43
  • I mean, I’ve managed to disable the updates and the update service manually so when I select “Restart Now” nothing happens, the notification disappears then comes back and spams the machine, I could just update it but that defeats the purpose, I’d rather entirely hide the message.
    – mya205
    Commented May 6, 2021 at 21:46
  • 1
    @mya205 - What you want is not possible.
    – Ramhound
    Commented May 6, 2021 at 21:52

1 Answer 1


Solved: I found that group policy has an entry allowing all updates to be blocked. For Windows Pro users: open Run and type gpedit.msc hit enter and navigate to User Configurations >> Windows Components >> Windows Updates >> Turn off update features.

Set it to block updates and to hide notifications from the drop down menu. Now updates will no longer be spammed, if you want to enable it again just set to "Not configured" and if you only want drivers to be updated it's recommended to just search your manufacturer or use a tool such as Driver Booster or Driver Pack Solutions to accomplish this.

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