Assumed we have this table style in sheet 1:

     A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H
1   0.1   0.2   0.5   0.7   0.4   0.5   0.9   1.0

In sheet 2 there have to be averages made of cells of sheet 1, means averages from A1:B1, C1:D1, E1:F1, and so on.

  • AVERAGE(A1:B1) from sheet 1 should be in sheet 2: cell A1,

  • AVERAGE(C1:D1) from sheet 1 should be in sheet 2: cell B1,

  • AVERAGE(E1:F1) from sheet 1 should be in sheet 2: cell C1, and so on...

          A      B      C       D
     1   0.15   0.6    0.45    0.95 

My assumption was to simply use the OFFSET-function with some command like that:


As the rows do not get switched, we can put a 0 into the row move option.

Unfortunately, this command does not work as expected. Any ideas?

1 Answer 1


You can try the steps below. I have modified your formula a little bit. The OFFSET function is performed first; allowing to shift the cells based on their column. Then, the average is calcualted.

  • On A1, keep the average formula:

enter image description here

  • On B1, enter the following formula on the next cell:

enter image description here

  • Drag B1 to the left to fill the other cells enter image description here

Note: You need to modify the formula to take into account when there are empty cells as you will get #DIV/0 or other errors.

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