I want to run a few scripts when I start an interactive shell on my system. As I understand it, putting these commands in .bash_login should do the trick. Unfortunately, some of these commands require sudo. So how would I run such commands from .bash_login?

1 Answer 1


I guess the problem is sudo asking for password? If yes, then for these particular commands that you want to run from your .bash_login file, use NOPASSWD option in /etc/sudoers file.

Assume you want to run for example the following command from .bash_login:

sudo rm /etc/someconfigfile

Then put the following line into /etc/sudoers (this file should be edited using visudo command):

myuser   ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:    /bin/rm /etc/someconfigfile

It means that user myuser is allowed to run command /bin/rm /etc/someconfigfile (you can use wildcards here) as root without asking for password.

For more detailed explanations, look man sudoers.

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