VirtualBox: 5.1.28
Host: Win 10, 1920x1080
Guest: Win XP, 800x600

A simple illustration of what I want:

Fullscreen vs Scaled vs What-I-Want

In "fullscreen" mode the whole screen is black and there is a small 800x600 viewport in the middle. I want it to behave similarly to normal fullscreen apps, which stretch their viewport ignoring aspect ratio. I don't want Guest OS to think it has a 1920x1080 viewport (as it would if I'd install Guest Additions), I want it to stretch 800x600 viewport onto 1920x1080 screen.

The closest to this is Scaled mode: the viewport is scaled ignoring aspect ratio (which is what I want), but it has the window title on the top of the screen and taskbar on the bottom (I don't want neither of these).

While googling, I've seen winsupermaximize mentioned. It is a program which hides window title similarly to how browsers do when you press F11. But, it is "tested on Windows XP" and has an issue "ignores taskbar", so I guess it's not what I need. The idea was to run it on Win 10 to "super maximize" VirtualBox window. Maybe there is any other tool to "super maximize" a window?

The app I'm running in Win XP is really fragile and it seems anything can break it. It does not work if I install Guest Additions. Without these it is running well, so I don't want to change anything on Guest side.

1 Answer 1


There was a guy who posted an answer, but then deleted it. Though he didn't know about VirtualBox, he offered an alternative solution: using VMWare Workstation, because you could achieve the Scaled Fullscreen I wanted.

Isn't exactly the solution I've been looking for, but it might help someone, so here it is.

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