I have been searching for the whole day about the idea of checking windows RDP credentials user and password

I found FreeRDP which can be check user and password from RDP IP

after few research I found this command

xfreerdp --ignore-certificate --authonly -u user -p pass host

when I tried it I received this error

[ERROR][com.freerdp.client.x11] - Please check that the $DISPLAY environment variable is properly set.

then Id know that it must be compiled so to not ask for x-server I had found this tutorial and all goes successfully in 'make' steps and building but when tried to test in the final it didn't work I used this command

./client/X11/xfreerdp /cert-ignore +auth-only /v: /u:testuser /d:Spoon /p:pass

i got error that the

-bash: ./client/X11/xfreerdp: No such file or directory

and I am sure that I am in the right path i think that's because tutorial is too old and need too updates

I am using ubuntu 20 and digital ocean VPS

can any one help me I want just to make a command that check RDP user and password if it good return good and I will make an PHP file to execute this command so i can access it easily

  • Oh, yes, got stuck with this one as well.
    – Rainb
    Commented Jan 5, 2021 at 20:09

1 Answer 1


Same issue here. Solved with Xvfb, a fake X server in ubuntu

apt install xvfb

launch it, ie, with

Xvfb :99 & export DISPLAY=:99

And now, xfreerdp command will run without issues.

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